Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
Pulse para ampliar
Pulse para ampliar

D. José Luis Olivas Martínez

Committee of Honour

The "City of Valencia" International Music Bands Contest is being held once again and for that reason many instrument players will be joining together to compete for some greatly prestigious awards and which are aspired to by the best music bands of the world. The Valencian bands are always among the best, they will surely be among the bands that compete for the main prizes giving us the chance, once again, to enjoy their extremely high level and to discover new musicians who provide their enthusiasm and high technical level to groups where several generations are united in a harmonious way.
Many Valencians will come to enjoy the performances of the participating bands and all of them will be able to feel the unique emotion that only music is capable of transmitting.
I hope that this 2003 Contest will bring back the success of previous years and that once again it will be that great annual reunion with the music that all amateurs look forward to impatiently over the months between each contest. To all of you, participants, attendants and organisers, I would like to give you most sincere regards through these lines and my best wishes.
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