Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
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Committee of Honour


The Very Honourable President of the Valencian Autonomous Government
D. José Luis Olivas Martínez
The Mayoress of Valencia
Dª Rita Barberá Nolla
The Honourable Councillor of Culture and Education
D. Manuel Tarancón Fandos
President of the Valencian Council
D. Fernando Giner Giner
His Excellency the Member of Parliament for Culture
D. Enrique Crespo Calatrava
Her Excellency Director of Cultural Promotion
Dª Consuelo Císcar Casabán
His Excellency. Deputy Mayor
Director of Fairs, Festivals and Tourism of the Valencia Council

D. Alfonso Grau Alonso
Managing Director of the Valencian Institute of Music for the Valencian Government
Dª Inmaculada Tomás Vert
Representative of Iberdrola in the Valencian Community
D. Antonio Egea Vivó
President of the Federation of Musical Associations of the Valencian Community
D. Santiago Algado Finestrat
Web Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Valencia