Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
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D. Alfonso Grau Alonso

Committee of Honour

This year the “City of Valencia” Musical Bands Contest is held at the same time as an anniversary that cannot be forgotten about; the centenary of the Municipal Band of Valencia, the band that traditionally closes the performances and the contest and which I would like to take this opportunity to thank for is constant, active help and to wish the members a centenary full of happiness, satisfaction and a long road of successes.
Once again the composition of the different sections of the contest is proof of the wide participation of musical bands from all over Spain, which just goes to show the prestige of our contest, not only in the Valencian Community, but also from other parts thereby meaning that the public that attends the contest will be able to compare the new trends and different styles of each of the participants.
The contest is likewise enriched by these new contributions which shall remain, from this moment on, as part of the musical heritage that is now being created and of which our musical library has already seen 20 uninterrupted years of performances which allow the people who study the bands’ progress to listen to and study their performances in comparison with those of previous years.
Finally, and on behalf of all the members of the organising committee, I would like to welcome the participants of this new edition and invite the followers of music bands, with such a deeply rooted tradition in our land, to come with me and to enjoy the matchless performances that the contest places within your reach.
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