Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
Francisco Tamarit Fayos Luis Blanes Josep Moreno Gans Francisco Bort Ramón Vicente Lleó
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Francisco Arturo Bort Ramón

Composer of the compulsory piece of the Second Section
Piece: Ocurrències

FRANCISCO ARTURO BORT RAMÓN. Born in Catarroja (Valencia) in 1963, he started his musical studies at the School of Music of the "La Artesana" Music Band in Catarroja under Mr. Salvador Chulia. Later on he was admitted to the Superior Conservatorium of Music in Valencia where he finished his Saxophone and Harmony studies under the guidance of Mr. Gregorio Castellano, Mr. Antonio Daniel and Mr. Jose Bort. In 1987 he won a place as saxophone teacher at the Municipal Band of Valencia where he is currently the saxophone soloist. As a composer he is a member of the S.G.A.E: (General Society of Authors and Editors) and also of COSICOVA (Association of Composers of the Valencian Community). His work is centred, almost exclusively, on symphonic compositions for bands, with perhaps his most outstanding piece of work being "Llegendes" (a Symphonic Poem), which was selected as a compulsory piece in the International Competition of Musical Bands "City of Valencia" in 2000; "Des de 1903" (Overture), dedicated to the Municipal Band of Valencia on its first centenary. All his work has been performed for the first time by the Municipal Band of Valencia and conducted by Mr. Pablo Sanchez Torrella. Likewise, some of his work has been performed by the Municipal Symphonic Band of Madrid under the conductorship of Mr. Enrique Garcia Asensio.
Web Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Valencia