Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
Francisco Tamarit Fayos Luis Blanes Josep Moreno Gans Francisco Bort Ramón Vicente Lleó
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Francisco Tamarit Fayos

Composer of the compulsory piece of the Honour Section
Piece: Vientos...

FRANCISCO TAMARIT FAYOS. Was born in RIOLA (Valencia) and is the permanent head of department of Counterpoint and Fugue at the Superior Conservatorium of Music in Valencia.
As a composer his production covers pieces of symphonic work for orchestras, bands, organ, piano, choirs and chamber music for different instruments. He has been awarded numerous prizes for composition, among which the most outstanding are perhaps the "RICARDO VILLA" of Madrid Prize and the "RODRIGUEZ ALBERT" of Alicante Prize. Several pieces of his work for bands have been compulsory pieces in previous years at both the international contest of Valencia and the Valencia Council Contest.
He has been the conductor of the Algemesí Band, the La Armonica of Buñol, the Lira Carcagentina of Carcagente, the Lira de Cheste, the Santa Cecilia of Elda and the Ateneo Musical of Cullera.
Web Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Valencia