Mônica Giardini

Mônica Giardini

Doctorate from the ECA-USP in Musical Creation Processes and Master's Degree in Musicology from the ECA-USP. She also has a Bachelor's degree in Guitar and Integral Pedagogy. She has studied orchestral and band conduction with prestigious conductors, perfecting her studies at the Music Festivals of Curitiba, Campos do Jordão and at the Bachakademie Festival in Stuttgart. She was Pedagogical Coordinator of the Centre for Musical Studies of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the State of São Paulo.

She is currently the principal conductor of the São Paulo State Youth Symphony Band and the Paulista Symphony Band.

She was the creator of Música na Biblioteca do Memorial da América Latina. She participated as host of the Festivals: Música nas Montanhas in Poços de Caldas MG and the Músicas de las Américas Festival in Belém do Pará, where she was the creator and artistic coordinator since 2013, in partnership with maestro Marcelo Jardim.

She teaches training courses on Conduction, Rehearsal Techniques and Group Practice to professors for FUNARTE. She has been deputy director of the State Symphonic Band from 2012 to 2014.

She has acted as guest conductor of the Experimental Repertory Orchestra, Santo Amaro Philharmonic Orchestra, Barra Mansa Symphonic Band, Diadema Symphonic Jazz Band and the International Festival of Women Composers held at SESC Ipiranga.

She participated as director of several Congresses and Conferences of Symphonic Bands such as: Third Ibero-American Congress of Conductors, Composers and Arrangers of Symphonic Bands in Argentina, WASBE 2005 in South Africa, and 1st and 2nd South American Conference in Tatuí (2002 and 2004). Coordinator of the 1st Latin American Meeting of Composers, Arrangers and Conductors of Symphonic Bands.

She has made CD and DVD recordings for the Allegretto (Brazil) and Voiceprint (England) labels.

She has received many recognitions and awards for her extensive professional career.