Comité de honor Comité organizador Jurados Compositores de las Obras Obligadas Programa de Actuaciones
Amando Blanquer Alberto Argudo Indalecio Fernández Mario Lavista Darío Sotelo
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Amando Blanquer Ponsoda

Member of the Jury

Amando Blanquer Ponsoda. Head of department of Composition and Orchestration at the "Joaquin Rodrigo" Superior Conservatorium of Music of Valencia. Permanent Academic at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos in Valencia and correspondent of the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid. He was conductor of the Superior Conservatorium of Music of Valencia.
He is trained and performs traditional European music. His prolific and diverse creative activity particularly stands out and which covers chamber music, symphonic and opera solos and goes on to his innovative development of symphonic and festive repertoires for Music Bands which is both highly appreciated and widespread.
He has been awarded numerous prizes and distinctions as a homage of his career, among them: Llama Rotaria 2002; Medal of Cultural Merit awarded by the Valencian Council in 2002; Gold Medal in the City of Alcoy; Unicef Prize for his Choral Symphony "Niño Universal"; Joaquin Turina Prize; Maestro Villa of Madrid Prize; Rome Prize, and others.
Web Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Valencia